Finding God in Every Moment

Scripture says we are to “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances”. Through prayer, we have the opportunity to move closer to the Creator and to listen for the Spirit. “Finding God in Every Moment” invites participants to discover and renew the richness of prayer. Enhanced by the beautiful, natural setting at Mo Ranch we will explore both new and ancient ways of finding God in every moment.Mahlon Hight and Rev. Jeanne Corbitt-Cardona will co-facilitate this exploration of prayer - in the beautiful setting of Mo Ranch. Participants will be staying together in one of the larger houses at Mo which will offer an intimacy and focus that isn't available anywhere else!

Registration and information available:

Number of participants is limited. Be sure and choose "group housing" to enjoy the full experience. Contact Mahlon Hight with any questions

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