PHPC Young Adults

You Belong

At PHPC we are a community of faith, we believe that we belong to one another. We believe that face-to-face connection makes our world better. We believe that God is active in this broken and messy world. We believe that hope is contagious, and joy is necessary. We believe in learning and growing. We believe that all, all, are welcome at God’s table. And we believe a vibrant community of young adults matters- for us and for others.

What to Expect

The Thread is for all young adults age 20-39 years old. Whether you are on Hinge or have a ten-year-old, a solidified set of beliefs or a million questions, you are welcome to join this community of faith. Our name, The Thread, reminds us that we are all woven together by the Holy Spirit, and an integral part of something bigger. The life of The Thread is driven by its community.  We gather and serve as we are called.
Get Involved

Thread Together

Thread Together is a Sunday night fellowship opportunity for young adults at 5 p.m. in Founders Hall. We would love to have you come connect, play games, and dive deeper into our faith. We hope to see you there!

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