Our Church

Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church

PHPC is a community of open-hearted and open-minded people that trust all belong to God and seek to live like we belong to one another. PHPC resides at the intersection of Preston Road and Walnut Hill Lane and at the intersection of life and faith--awakening all to God's presence through every season of life.
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Our Senior Pastor

Matthew Ruffner

Since 2015, Rev. Matthew Ruffner has served as the Senior Pastor of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church in Dallas, TX. You don’t have to talk with Matthew long to learn he is passionate about the gospel, communicating, and developing others and communities to reflect the Kingdom of God.

Matthew serves as Zick Preaching Scholars cohort leader, helping to develop preachers from across the country. He has the privilege of preaching at two Chataqua network sites, and currently serves on the boards of Project Unity and Forest Forward.

Matthew is married to Sarah Ruffner, and they have two children. The Ruffners love sports of all varieties and can usually be found on or near the field. Matthew enjoys carrying his golf bag and walking every golf course he can.
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Our Pastors

Our Leadership

As Presbyterians, we believe that a representative leadership of bodies should govern the church. For Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, this looks like three different bodies of elected peoples: Elders, Deacons, and our Foundation Board.


The Session is comprised of 15 Elders and 1 Youth Elder. The primary responsibility of the Session is to offer prayerful support to the congregation members and its ministries and supervise the church's work using measurements of effectiveness that assure the best use of resources. Leaders are nominated each year in January and serve three-year terms.


The Diaconate is comprised of 15 Deacons and 1 Youth Deacon. The Diaconate oversees many of the caring ministries of the church including prayer calls, outreach communion, visitation, and memorial support.

Our Beliefs

What We

As Presbyterians, there is no list of things that you must subscribe to in order to be a member. The only affirmation required is trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Below are some foundational theological beliefs of Presbyterians. Presbyterians are a part of the Reformed Tradition. This means that we are a branch of the Christian family tree that emerged from the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Presbyterians grew out of the leadership of John Knox who traveled from Scotland to Geneva Switzerland to study under John Calvin. John Knox brought Presbyterian beliefs to Scotland.
The mission of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church is to awaken all to God’s presence in every season of life.
Our vision is a world trusting that all belong to God and living like we belong to one another.
As members of the Body of Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to be disciples of Jesus, making disciples who reflect the Gospels’ vision of inclusiveness in God’s world. Our mission includes discipleship both within and outside the church walls. Goals reflect our approach toward this vision.

· PHPC nurtures members and guests for spiritual growth in every stage of life through age-appropriate faith practices of worship, prayer, care, study, experiences, and fellowship.
· PHPC impacts our community and beyond through service, education, advocacy, financial support, prayer, and partnership.
The writers of Genesis include the affirmation the God looked at all of creation and called it, “good.” All people, not in spite of who they are, but exactly because of who they are, are named as a part of God’s good creation and considered beloved.
The word Presbyterian refers primarily to the way the church is governed. Presbyterian comes from the Greek word “presbutero” meaning “elder” or “ruled by elders.” Therefore, Presbyterians are distinguished from other Christian denominations by a representative form of government, where officers are elected from among the congregation’s membership. This representative form of government ensures that the people’s voice is heard.

Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are governed by a series of representative leadership bodies.

The leadership body in the local congregation is known as the Session, made up of elders elected from among the congregation.

The church’s regional body of leadership is called the Presbytery. Presbyteries consist of Presbyterian churches within a particular geographic area. PHPC belongs to Grace Presbytery.

The greater regional body of the church is the Synod which is made up of presbyteries within a particular geographic area. Our presbytery belongs to the Synod of the Sun.

General Assembly
The national body of the Presbyterian church is the General Assembly. Meetings of the General Assembly occur every other year.

All Presbyterian church bodies are governed by a constitution, which has two parts:Book of Confessions – the doctrinal statements that convey what the church believes.Book of Order - the policies and procedures of the church to enable it to carry out its ministries.
Presbyterians don’t read the Bible literally, like a history or science textbook of facts, wise sayings, or a book of rules. Instead, we believe that the Bible was written by humans in a particular time and place who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. God did not take over human functioning and dictate every word while humans were the secretaries who wrote those words down.The Bible is not God’s literal words. And the Bible is not just a book like any other book.The Holy Spirit accompanied and guided the human writers of scripture, respecting their humanity in all its limitations and its conditioning by historical, social, and cultural context.
Presbyterians believe that all people, not just those who are ordained as ministers, have a dynamic relationship with God and are called to serve God through their unique gifts and talents. All are ministers of the gospel. The differences between pastors, elders, and lay leaders is that of function and not of calling.
Presbyterians believe that faith is personal and communal but never private. We are called to be God’s people in the church and in the public square. There is integration between what we believe and our lives in and among the world.
The Presbyterian Church uses a Book of Confessions, which is a collection of confessions written by people in different times and places expressing how God is operating in a particular time and circumstance. As followers, we can look back and learn from those writings aware that documents of the past reflect the biases of history, while also sharing with us the wisdom and thinking of our ancestors.
Freedom of conscience, as we use it in the life of the church, is the right to disagree with a position of a council or councils of the church. It is derived directly from this principle that ‘God alone is Lord of the conscience’ and that our consciences are thus bound to nothing other than Scripture. This protects minority views and affirms that God can lead faithful people to different conclusions.
Who can be a pastor?
Any person of strong faith, dedicated discipleship, and a love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord can pursue being a pastor. PC (USA) pastors are required to have a Masters of Divinity from a Reformed Seminary and complete a three-year ordination process in conjunction with the leadership body of their local congregation, the Session, and with the regional body, the Presbytery.

Who can be an elder or deacon?
Ruling elders and deacons are all persons elected by the congregation from among its members. Those nominated should be persons of sound faith and spiritual maturity. The nomination and election of ruling elders and deacons shall also express the rich diversity of the congregation’s membership and shall guarantee participation and inclusiveness.

Who can serve?
Any person who desires to do God’s work as part of PHPC can serve. Some roles require a background check prior to serving.

Who can lead?
All members of PHPC can serve in leadership roles at the church. This happens in different ways including volunteering, personal invitation, and nomination and election by the congregation.

Who can be married? What marriages are recognized by PHPC?
PHPC is an open and affirming congregation of the PC (USA). As part of the PC (USA), PHPC recognizes same-sex marriage, and pastors can perform same-sex weddings.

Who can join?
All are welcome into membership at PHPC. Prospective members are required to complete our new member class called Starting Point. Starting Point classes are “one Sunday classes” and are offered four times throughout the year.

Similarities and Differences Among Presbyterian Denominations:
*Presbyterian Church United States of America P.C.(U.S.A.)
The P.C.(U.S.A.) is a part of the reformed tradition. Churches in P.C.(U.S.A.) allow women and LGBTQ people to serve in ordained leadership positions and recognize and perform same-sex marriages.
*Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church is a P.C.(U.S.A.) church.

Presbyterian Church in America (P.C.A.)
The P.C.A. is also part of the reformed tradition. Churches in P.C.A. do not allow women or LGBTQ people to serve in ordained leadership positions and do not recognize or perform same-sex marriages.

ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (E.C.O.)
E.C.O. is also part of the reformed tradition. Churches in E.C.O. do not allow LGBTQ people to serve in church leadership positions and do not recognize or perform same-sex marriages. They do allow women to serve in ordained positions.

New Here

You are
Welcome Here

Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church is for you, no matter what stage, age, or season you find yourself in. We invite you to come just as you are and be part of this community of people striving to discover God’s purpose and plan for their lives!

What to Expect

When you enter through our doors, you can expect to be greeted by people who are glad to meet you. No matter your age, race, gender, orientation or faith background, we invite you to join our community and share God's abundant grace. PHPC is an open and affirming congregation of the PC(USA).
Connect with us

Come as you are.

At PHPC, there is no dress code. Some people show up in suits, and others wear jeans and t-shirts. We want you to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable!

Service Times

9 a.m.
11 a.m.
Campus Map

How to Join

All Belong Here

For all people who wish to join PHPC , please join the pastors and some staff of PHPC to connect more deeply and learn the “nuts and bolts” of membership.

What to Expect

Our Starting Point session is from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. for those who desire to join the church. The class begins with a light continental breakfast, introductions by pastors and fellow attendees, information about the life and ministry of our vibrant community of faith and concludes by answering the questions of membership and a time of welcome from the Elders serving in the leadership of the church. The following Sunday, attendees will be introduced to the congregation during worship.
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Our Ministry Areas

Get Connected

Starting Point

Prospective members who want to join PHPC must complete our new member class called “Starting Point.” Starting Point classes are “One Sunday” classes that are offered four times a year.


Significant times are meant to be shared with your church family. We are here to support you through all of life's many transitions and are ready to pray for you upon your request.


At PHPC, we believe God invites us to embody our faith. As Christians, we are called to live as Jesus lived – loving our neighbors, standing with the oppressed, enacting mercy, working for justice, caring for Creation, and sowing seeds of compassion.


We believe that children are not just the future of the church, but they are the church now. PHPC Kids creates an environment where children know they are loved just the way they are and to equip them to know, grow and shine the light of God!


At PHPC, we strive to create an open and inviting environment for youth to be themselves and to ask the hard questions of Faith.


At PHPC, we strive to support college students in two ways. First, by maintaining relationships with college students who grew up in this church and maybe elsewhere for school, and secondly, by supporting and welcoming college students living locally.

Young Adults

Whether you have Tinder or a ten-year-old, a solidified set of beliefs or a million questions; we welcome you to our community of faith!


At PHPC, we believe that adult learning aims to help people make spiritual sense of their lives and the world.

Senior Adults

We have a vibrant group of Senior Adults at PHPC. We strive to offer a variety of experiences that address the continuing need for fun, fellowship, spiritual growth, and faith development.


The PHPC Epiphany Ministry provides enrichment-based respite care programs for adults living with disabilities that incorporate their unique gifts and talents in worship, life skills, art, and community service.