Epiphany Ministry

December 28, 2021

Quincy Parsons
Interview with her mother, Tate Parsons

Epiphany offers Quincy a much-needed community of friends, something that was essential when she aged out of another program in her early teens. She needs routine, structure and consistency, and she looks forward to going to Epiphany on Sunday mornings, a good place to hang out with friends and to be assured that she is loved by God and others, something that is seldom available to special-needs young adults. 

Some adults with special needs are uncomfortable in settings with a number of people, but not Quincy. She thrives on and is rejuvenated by being with her friends and making the social connections she craves.

Quincy loves being with the volunteers who help with Epiphany Ministry and the ministers and staff of PHPC. She has many friends that she knows and sees at church, and that is another benefit of being in Epiphany. 

As she has gotten older, Quincy has been less interested in being read to and “reading” on her own. Since receiving her Bible from the church in March, she spends time each evening reading her Bible. It has reintroduced her to the world of books, and for that we are thankful. 

Epiphany offers a much-needed respite to families like ours. Caring for a special needs child or adult is a 24/7 responsibility and takes great energy. Knowing that she can go to Epiphany on Sunday mornings allows us to spend time with our other children and doing things that we might not otherwise be able to do, including going to church. This is essential for families like ours.

We look forward to Epiphany continuing to expand its offerings for integrating Quincy and her friends into the life of the church. Thank you!

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